
Clyde is having a lazy day

Clyde wants me to play with him now!

Clyde is like a child. He wants me to play with him now… not later.

Clyde is looking at me but listening to something behind him

Clyde is scanning around…

Clyde is always on the lookout so that none of the other kitty monsters sneak up on him. He and Sheldon often get into elaborate play fights. His pink nose really stands out here.

Clyde is waiting for me to finish work

Clyde is bored waiting for me…

Clyde is waiting for me to finish working. He loves attention… but today, working is taking longer than he’s used to.

Clyde is napping in a box on my desk

The Year’s Best Beauty Looks

Clyde loves keeping me company while I work… sometimes he can’t stay awake too long though.

Clyde on a kitty shelf

Clyde on the kitty shelf…

Clyde is older, but still adventurous. He’s checking out the new kitty in the office. It is a part of a three shelf system with a scratch pad on two of the shelves, and a soft resting pad on the third.

Clyde stealing my chair

Clyde is stealing my chair…

Clyde follows me around the house. Over the years he has gotten used to the routine. We get up, we go to work and we’re not back until late. Now, we’re home every day for a while… when i getup from my work chair, he hops on it as much as to say – this is usually my seat this late in the day.